Glassy-winged sharpshooters

Glassy-winged sharpshooters are large, dark-colored leafhoppers. While these insects usually do not cause much damage from feeding, they are capable of transmitting the bacterial disease, Xylella fastidiosa. Continue Reading →

Termites in the Landscape

While most think about termites when it comes to their home, there can also be termites on landscape elements that cause issues. Termites have protozoa in their hindgut that allow them to consume and digest cellulose (wood-based) material. Continue Reading →

In the Vegetable Garden – April, 2018

Historically our rainiest periods are late spring (April/May) and early fall (September/October), which coincides nicely with our spring and fall plantings, but weather is variable and every season is different. Do you remember 2007, when we received 10 inches of rain in July? I do …I had never seen so many worms munching away at my summer crops! Continue Reading →

March Into Spring

I’d like to start out by saying that this has not been our average Central Texas winter! We’ve had a true winter season with below-average temperatures that lasted several days, on several occasions. Continue Reading →