Harlequin Bugs

Usually in Central Texas, people discover Harlequin bugs on their winter crops that are beginning to decline in early spring. It is important to kill these Harlequin bugs as they can move into new crops planted in the garden.

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Rover Ants

Rover ants are tiny (~1/16” long) and brownish-black. They have 9 antennal segments which can differentiate them from many other ants, but you’ll need a good hand lens or microscope to count antennal segments. The abdomen of rover ants is pudgy and the ants have a “humpbacked” appearance.

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In the Vegetable Garden – February 2019

As a vegetable gardener anticipating the end of winter, my focus is on the forecast this month, all month. That’s because February can be our coldest month, but some years it can possibly bring our last freeze—we just won’t know if it’s our last freeze until we get further along in the season!

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