Compost isn’t just a pile of dead leaves! It’s a vital community of microorganisms that work to add vital nutrients, moisture, and structure to your soil. Travis County Master Gardener Sheryl Williams will explain the basic science of how compost is created, what materials you can use to make compost, types of compost containers and which to choose, plus what type of compost is best for your garden. Join the tour of the Zilker Botanical Garden Compost Demonstration area to compare different types of compost systems ‐ please dress appropriately.
Seminar is free
Zilker park entrance fee is $2 per adult, $1 per child (ages 3-12) or seniors (age 62 & over),
$3 for non-Austin Residents. Cash or check accepted.
For more information contact: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service – Travis County,512-854-9600
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