by Patti Fenter

This month we begin presenting those businesses that are tour sponsors of the 2020 Inside Austin Gardens Tour. Sponsor monies are used to subsidize other TCMGA activities throughout the year. The funds also go to buying plants and upkeep on the greenhouse.
For details on our upcoming tour, and to purchase tickets, go to

Austin Concrete, LLC, one of our 2020 Inside Austin Gardens Tour Sponsors, is not a driveway or walkway specialist, but an artisan of all things concrete. Travis County Master Gardener and entrepreneur, Robert Northrup, became interested in concrete products while in San Miguel, Mexico, several years ago. After drinking tainted water there, he set about developing a simple, but effective water filtration system with a concrete cistern.
Studying concrete and its properties in classes as far away as Canada, Robert was drawn to the aesthetics of concrete as well as its functionality. Inspired by concrete artisan Buddy Rhodes, and using his own background in technology, Robert has developed and applied for a patent on a multi-step process of printing silicone molds and preparing concrete for various pieces of art.

His favorite works include those with ancient seventeenth century etchings and botanical diagrams as well as contemporary portraits. An inventor as well as scientist and creator, Robert is also developing a method of strengthening the finished pieces of art while reducing the weight of each piece by adding glass fibers.
He has built amazing wall art in many sizes, table tops and complete tables, labyrinths, concrete planters, and a host of beautiful, decorative and functional concrete products. He has also developed a concrete stamp system which he plans to market at the World of Concrete, International Concrete Expo in Las Vegas early next year. Eventually Robert would like to develop a catalog of his molds and products that he can market to other concrete professionals.
In the meantime, he continues to work on his art and serves as a member of TCMGA while maintaining a year-round potager (French for all things kitchen) garden. To learn more about Robert’s products or to commission custom concrete art, contact him at 214-794-1934,
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